Tuesday 14 June 2011

'Aries' (formerly Arian Atheev'a)

(formerly Arian Atheev’a)

Arian was the only child of Enhbur Atheev’a, a wealthy and respected duke of the land. She was born on the fourteenth of April in the city of Bastari, where she was tutored strictly in academics from the ripe age of five years-old. 

Arian spent her adolescence attending formal royal assemblies, meeting with other families of nobility and being taught the ways of etiquette, history, geography, music and philosophy, at which she surpassed all in her league. She was a beautiful girl, referred to by her associates as “Enhbur’s Beautiful Fledgling”. Arian was well known for being a quiet, rare beauty with a love for all things and a smile that could brighten the cloudiest day. 

Her training in the arcane began when she was sixteen. Various wizards among the nobles had told the Duke that his daughter emanated a sparkling magical talent and that she would, if trained, make an admirable sorceress. In effect, Arian’s parents admitted her to the local school of magic, where she trained heavily for a number of years - presenting just the magical talent the affluent wizards were referring to. 

By seventeen, Arian fell in love with the commander of the Noble Guard, Lian Enth-ther, and, with the Duke’s permission, agreed to marry him but a year after they had met. Her father planned the opulent wedding for months; it was to be held aboard a pleasure boat known as The White Star, far out into the Western Sea, the very location he and his wife had uttered their vowels. The whole city was in anticipation of the wedding, much of its people waving goodbye to the bride-to-be as she set sail into the West.

The three-day journey into the ocean (as was tradition) ran smoothly, with almost 400 nobles, friends, associates and servants aboard. On the fateful day of the wedding, however, Arian’s life changed dramatically, and not in the sense that she had anticipated. Only hours before the ceremony, as all of the passengers (the bride and groom included) had readied themselves for the reception, an unexpected collision with a sharp, submerged bank of rocks resulted in The White Star taking on an enormous amount of water. Within moments, it became apparent that the ship was to sink, and rapidly. 

The ship’s sinking was something the designers of the pleasure boat had never anticipated, so very few lifeboats had been supplied. In the frenzied panic to hurry the nobles (particularly the bride and groom) onto the lifeboats, the ship began to buckle and turn, a fire breaking out on its north side. The goings on aboard The White Star thereafter are unknown, though there were thought to have been no survivors - the Duke, Duchess, his daughter, Arian, and her fiancĂ© were all reported to have died in the freezing waters of the Western Sea. 

This claim was almost true; all of the passengers had perished, but one - Arian. In the struggle and confusion of the ship’s sinking, as the boat’s very structure began to crack and separate, Arian had been cast into the ocean. Wearing only her beloved wedding dress, she had clambered  onto a piece of floating rubble and fallen unconscious from the exertion of the scarring tragedy. 

Several hours later, by which time almost all of the passengers had perished, a pirate ship, captained by the famous Aslarr Silverboot, sailed past the sight of a beautiful, silver-haired bride on the verge of death, floating through the ocean. His crew, eager for a female presence onboard, had ushered him to allow her onboard. As she was carted on deck, Aslarr was stunned by Arian’s resemblance to his daughter, who had tragically passed away thirty years beforehand. Denying his crew the indulgence of raping the unconscious woman, the captain took her in and nursed her to health. 

When she awoke, Silverboot discovered that the woman had no memory of how she had come to be floating adrift in the middle of the freezing ocean, nor did she have any recollection of where she was born, who her parents were or even her own name. The pirate, a usually brutal and harsh man who sorely missed his beloved daughter, lied to Arian, telling her that she was his daughter and that she had fallen overboard and was merely suffering from amnesia due to the shock. 

Arian’s new father renamed her Aries and educated her in the way of the pirate. Being a trained wizard himself, he discovered that Aries seemed to retain an extraordinary level of knowledge of the arcane - assumedly remaining from her past life. He continued her training in magic and watched the once stranded woman become more and more ruthless and learned by the day. 

Many years passed and Aries (Arian) became a pirate worthy of her father’s name. Though Silverboot had absolute authority, the crew knew not to upset the beautiful yet fearsome “daughter” of their captain. 

Ten years after her wedding day, Silverboot, on his deathbed, told Aries of her true nature and that he was not her true father. Experiencing a mixture of confusion and anger, Aries stormed from the room, leaving Silverboot to die alone. Instantaneously inheriting his ship, his crew and his riches, Aries was left free to run the ship how she pleased. 

Aries now spends much of her time considering her past and desperately attempting to remember her origin. She has a harsh rule over her ship and is known to be quick-tempered, manipulative and merciless, everything her adopted father was. And yet, on very rare occasions, Aries’ crew would catch a short glimpse of a different woman within their captain, a warmer, almost charming individual (the receding personality of Arian). 

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Nina Atheev'a

Full Name: Nina Atheev'a
Other Names: "Agent 4.0", "Cobra" 
Sex: Female
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 124 lbs
Age (Birth Date): 25 (4th of March)

Race: Human
Level: 15th/16th 
Class: Fighter/Thief (Assassin)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral  
Religion: N/A
Guild/Clan: Black Dragon
Homeland: Peresorm

Strength: 11
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 17
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 15
Will: 13
Charisma: 7
Luck: 9

Hit Points: 94
Armour (AC): Dexterity +4, Leather Armour +2, Ring of Protection +3 (1) 
Thac0 (Weapon): 1 (dual daggers - double specialised), 6 (short sword), 4 (bare-hand)

Proficiencies, Abilities & Languages

Proficiencies: Lip Reading, Disguise, Forgery, Tumbling, Tightrope Walking, Blind Fighting, Martial Arts, Fast Talking, Poison Lore, Ancient Languages, Local History, Modern Languages, Remain Conscious, Read/Write (Common), Riding (Land-based), Musical Instrument (Drum). 

Abilities: Move Silently (95%), Find/Remove Traps (80%), Hear Noise (80%), Open Locks (90%), Pick Pockets (75%), Read Languages (65%), Hide in Shadows (95%), Climb Walls (95%), Remain Conscious (% chance of being knocked unconscious is always halved), Detect Poison (Poison Lore - 70%). 

Languages: Common (Woodruff - East), Common (Woodruff - West), Elven (Woodruff), Common (Nethall), Orc (Woodruff). 


Nina is a very tall woman with a slender yet reasonably muscular physique, shoulder-length blonde hair and emerald-blue eyes. Being an accomplished gymnast and athlete, Nina's body remains perfectly toned and rounded. Her beautiful, feminine facial features are often tainted by a cold, hostile smirk that greets all but those she is directly instructed to flatter. The assassin has a scar skimming across her left shoulder blade, reaching down to the centre of her lower back. 
When in disguise (which is almost all of the time), Nina will can be seen baring any sort of attire - from a beggar's rags to a grand ball gown. Being proficient in the arts of disguise, most find it difficult to identify the woman at all. When on a mission from her beloved guild, Nina will always wrap herself in the formidable, indigo leather suit made for her by The Black Dragon. 

Attitude & Personality

Nina is a dry, surly woman with little to say outside of her orders. Seeing as she is always in disguise and playing the roles of others, it is difficult to pinpoint what Nina's true personality actually is - she is a damaged and broken woman inside, hardened by her troubling past and military training. Much of her former personality has been quashed and extinguished, replaced by the ice queen that has proved so useful to The Black Dragon. Her free thought is likely encompassed by her need to kill her greatest rival, and sister, Anna Atheev'a. 
She is not, however, sociopathic; she has shown evidence of remorse and restrain in the past - perhaps remnants of the woman she once was. 


Nina, the older of the Atheev'a sisters, was born to Judar Atheev'a, a rich veteran to the great Peresorm Guard. He lead the defence of Peresorm during the final (and largest) Orc raid during the Evil Rebellion. Nina's mother, Uslari Atheev'a, was a cloth merchant from the Southern Nurth Islands. The three of them lived on a large estate on the city's boarders. From a very early age, Nina showed signs of advanced intelligence, learning to walk and talk long before was usually expected of an infant. 

When Nina reached the age of two, her mother gave birth to her younger sister, Anna. Uslari died during childbirth, through no fault of the midwives. Judar, in grief and loneliness, left the Peresorm Guard in order to spend time with his two beloved daughters. As they matured, he began to train them both in the ways of the sword, athletics and war. Judar noticed the sibling rivalry that had been born - the girls desperately attempting to outdo one another and impress him. A

As the two sisters grew older, they began to be tutored in language, literature, history, crafts and other lore. Their rivalry even extended to their academic achievements - the siblings often falling into serious fights and arguments. Judar experienced difficulty finding a tutor who would take the girls, one referring to them as "vicious animals". Where Anna would obediently attend the local church (as was custom), Nina would often disobey her father and the priests and spar with the members of the Peresorm Guard. The two Atheev'a were never seen to be friendly with one another; they truly hated one another. Bitterly, Nina blamed Anna for her mother's death. 

Not long after Nina's seventeenth birthday, Judar died from throat disease in his sleep. A large funeral was funded by the Royal Family of Peresorm. It was here that Nina and her sister's true hatred for one another was born. Having both inherited half of the estate and fortune their father had earned, the sisters were forced to live together. Full of grief, anger and hostility, their fights began to escalate to a dangerous level, resulting in Nina being seriously injured (thus the scar on her back). Days later, Nina attempted to kill Anna - both of them having been trained well in combat, the battle persisted for hours, much of their father's estate being ruined in the process. After certain stalemate, Nina decided to leave the estate. 

What Nina did between then and her admittance to one of the largest and most formidable assassins' guild in Woodruff is unknown. As an assassin, the eldest of the Atheev'a sisters is without match. She has been responsible for some of the most famous assassinations in the land, able to break through virtually any level of security. She is the top-ranking agent of The Black Dragon and will inherit the position of guild leader with the death of her single superior - Fascar. 

Whether Nina and Anna have been in contact since their adolescent battle at their father's estate, is unknown. They are both far from forgetting the past, however. 


Nina likes to sneak up on her opponents and kill them before they even know of her presence - the true assassin method. Using her various skills as a rogue, she will get as close as possible to her victim before killing them in the most direct fashion. 
Though never seen fighting in a group, if you she were, she would stand back for a few moments and pounce when the time was right, surely killing her opponent. If fighting a group, she would always attempt to kill a magic-user first. 

Spells & Equipment

* Dual Daggers + 3 (on hit, victim must roll a save vs. poison or receive 1d12 damage per turn until death). 
* Ring of Protection + 3
* Ring of Fire Resistance
* Boots of Speed
* Necklace of Strangulation (not worn)
* Iron Flask

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Nizzra ~ Elemental Goddess of Thunder

Title(s): Lady of Thunder, "Strike"
Power Level: Elder God
Subservient Deities: All non-Elder Gods
Superiors: Oloth, Ssun
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Portfolio: Thunder, Lightning, Energy, Storms
Domain: Elemental Plane of Energy
Worshippers: Any
Church: "Church of Nizzra" 
Cleric Alignment: Any Chaotic
Holy Days: May 26th, September 30th

Foes: Niara, Aeros, Aonghus, Loki
Allies: Chathis, Hardrosa, Thor, Taranis, Naurtas, Eisa


Nizzra is the Elder and Elemental Goddess of Thunder and ruler of the Plane of Energy. As the title "Elder Goddess" suggests, she was one of the five Gods who created the stars and the planets. Daughter of the Primary Gods, Oloth and Ssun, she is the ruler of thunder, lightning, natural electrical energy and storms. Nizzra is associated with destruction, power, raw strength and anger.  

Like all of the Elder Gods, Niara is a part of existence - part of the world we live in. She therefore cannot be destroyed, killed or exiled, unlike demi-gods and minor deities. She is eternal in every sense of the word.  

The Elder Gods, who naturally contrast themselves to a dangerous level, are far from divine siblings who rule hand-in hand. Most of them oppose one another and, Nizzra in particular, attempt to overcome the others however possible. Nizzra has an ancient, burning hatred for her sister, Niara - Goddess of Water, who's passive, pacifist and daydream-like persona insults the Thunder Goddess. The situation is similar between Nizzra and Aeros, the God of the wind. 

Though technically in partnership with Chathis, the Elder God of Fire, Nizzra is envious of his strength and harbours bitterness toward her divine brother. She is arrogant and egoistic, wanting to be the most powerful of her rivals above all else. 


The Church of Nizzra tends to be aggressive, controlling and quick to raise the sword. A temple of clerics who worship Strike often act as the town or city guard. Nizzra's religious representatives tend to preach of the importance of power and endurance, both physically and mentally, and making full use of life's advantages. Priests of Nizzra are extremely hostile to any opposing Churches and have been the soul cause of various religious wars in Woodruffian history. 

Nizzra accepts any race into her Church, as long as they accept the harsh doctrine revolving around dominance. Those of evil alignment are attracted to the religion through hunger for wealthy and power, though fundamentally good Churches do exist. 


Nizzra is most commonly seen in the Material Plane as a large, destructive and noisy thunder storm. Though much more common in times of divine war, these vicious and indiscriminate storms can occur at any time. They can be distinguished from normal storms by the truly ear-splitting roars and immense, blue-tinted fork lightning. 

Less commonly, Nizzra will appear in her only humanoid form - a huge, thunderous Drow female who floats in the sky. She supposedly appeared in this form during a great, legendary battle waged against the Elemental Gods by a, now non-existent, house of deities that were conclusively destroyed. Ancient texts claim that Nizzra appeared through the clouds, over 60' tall, and obliterated thousands of the opposing army before fading back into the skies with a "hellish cackle". Other reports of her revealing herself in this form have been documented. 

Appearance: 80' tall, giant, robed and flying female Drow with frightful, white eyes lacking irises. She is also described as being "shrouded in lightning". 

HP: N/A (No weapon, spell or magical item will have any effect on Nizzra)
AC: N/A  (No weapon, spell or magical item will have any effect on Nizzra)
Damage: Colossal Lightning Bolts - 1d100+40 (per round)
Thac0: N/A (The Colossal Lightning Bolts hit a selected radius of 80', unfailingly) 

Special Attacks:  Invulnerability, Omniscience, Omnipotence, Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Lightning Manipulation, Invisibility, Infinite Array of Knowledge, Omnilingualism, Shapeshifting, Infinite Teleportation, Call for Assistance.

Niara ~ Elemental Goddess of Water

Title(s): Water Queen, Lady of the Lake
Power Level: Elder God
Subservient Deities: All non-Elder Gods
Superiors: Oloth, Ssun 
Alignment: Neutral

Portfolio: Water, Purity, Rivers, Lakes
Domain: Elemental Plane of Water
Worshippers: Any
Church: "Church of the Stream" 
Cleric Alignment: Any
Holy Days: February 11th, April 11th, March 11th

Foes: Chathis, Nizzra, Taranis, Naurtas, Thor
Allies: Aeros, Hardrosa, Ostara, Brigit, Baldur


Niara is the Elder and Elemental Goddess of water and ruler of the Plane of Water. As the title "Elder Goddess" suggests, she was one of the five gods who create the stars and the planets.  Daughter of the Primary Gods Oloth and Ssun, she is the ruler of water, the sea, rivers, lakes, streams and rain. Like water, Niara is associated with life, health, purity and cleanliness. 

Like all of the Elder Gods, Niara is a part of existence - part of the world we live in. She therefore cannot be destroyed, killed or exiled, unlike demi-gods and minor deities. She is eternal in every sense of the word.

Though never fighting directly, Niara's siblings, Chathis (of fire) and Nizzra (of thunder) are in constant disagreement with her. It is difficult to compare this with disputes of mortals. Being rulers of the material world, the Gods simply drive existence in a different direction to one another, resulting in arguments; Niara, being a lonesome and peaceful God, remains passive within the squabbles, however. The Church of the Stream have been known to collide with priests of Niara's siblings, yet not under her direct command.


Being a Goddess of such widespread worship, it is difficult to define the Church of Niara. The Water Goddess demonstrates passiveness, deep thought, freedom and pacifism. Moon Elves often choose to follow Niara, along with various other humanoids who commonly lean toward the arts and philosophy.   

Like other worshippers of the Elder Gods, blessings are extremely rare and only awarded to those of up-most experience, loyalty and heroism. However, any race of any alignment may choose to become a priest of Niara and be accepted by the Goddess. Although, a church consisting of both good and evil priests would find it challenging to operate. 


Niara has only two avatars within the Material Plane - a 15' tall female human and a silver, sparkling Blue Whale. Niara's humanoid avatar has only been spotted a handful of times in documented history and has never communicated directly in this form. Whales are said to be the mortals closest to Niara and can communicate with her directly. In human form, she only appears for her own enjoyment or curiosity - never to support her worshippers in battle. 

Niara's presence can be known by the sound of whale speech, even when in human form. She will remain undetectable unless willing to show herself and will not attack unless aggressively confronted by one who knows of her divinity. 

Appearance: 15' tall, naked, human woman with turquoise-coloured hair and green eyes. Often wrapped in seaweed and sparkling divinely. 

HP: N/A (No weapon, spell or magical item will have any effect on Niara)
AC: N/A (No weapon, spell or magical item will have any effect on Niara)
Damage: Watery Blasts - 10d12+20 (twice per round) + drowning.
Thac0: N/A (Niara will always hit and never miss)

Special Attacks/Defences: Invulnerability, Omniscience, Omnipotence, Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Water Manipulation, Invisibility, Infinite Array of Knowledge, Omnilingualism, Shapeshifting, Infinite Teleportation, Call for Assistance, Drowning.   

Woodruff: An Overview

Woodruff is a distant land of beautiful, deserted landscapes and advanced civilisations that has earned itself the noble title of "The Land of Magnificence" by adventurous foreigners who sailed there over 6,000 years ago. Though much of its fascinating history has been documented by sages and historians, most of the Woodruffian past is shrouded in mystery. 

Woodruff, spanning over 1500 miles across, consists of five lands, each largely different in landscape, culture and civilisation (if any) to the next. 

East Woodruff

Eastern Woodruff (or simply "East Woodruff") is the largest land, making up for over two thirds of the mainland. It is an extremely diverse area, home to a number of intelligent and beastly races and communities. Its capital, Peresorm, is the largest city in the land and is famous for both its size and sophistication. Within East Woodruff, there are two noted districts known as "The White Lands" and "The Green Lands"; though relatively large in size, these districts or provinces take up only a small amount of the land as a whole. 

The White Lands is an area governed and ruled by the royal family and its house. Based in the city of Peresorm, The Royal Guard patrol the area and enforce law and order. It is a lawful good province where particular religious values and morals are expected to be adhered to. 
The Green Lands are largely different. Rather than one, single dictatorship, the power of rule is given to the "Alanis" of each individual hamlet, village, town, city or recognised territory. This logical, yet impractical, system has resulted in various squabbles and small-scale civil wars throughout Woodruffian history, yet this behaviour seems to have ceased in recent years. 

The remainder of the East Woodruff is wild, free lands, occasionally ruled by a clan, tribe or simply the natives of the specific areas. For example, the elves that dwell in the forest of Nelenorr in the North-West defend the woodland as their own and remain a secretive and isolationist people. Similarly, the rangers (known as the Mossmen) who scout some parts of Woodruff Forest have rule over their various small communities. The East is a generally peaceful, diverse land rich in trade, art and magic. 

West Woodruff

It is not known who built The Great Wall that splits West from East, nor is it documented when exactly the structure came into being, except that it has been separating the lands for at least 3,000 years. Two millennia ago, the West waged war with the East and began the largest series of battles known to modern Woodruffian history. The great war, that spanned for a little more than sixteen years, resulted in the East's favour - pushing the Westerners back behind their boarders. 

The dispute began when the West seized the Northern port of Winguard and kidnapped Derrivenhand, the Alanis of Winguard and brother to the, then, King. They ordered for their lands to be extended dramatically and far into Eastern territory. When their request was declined, Fargan - the leader of the West - waged war on the East. 

To this day, the Western lands are still ruled by the Fargan family and its people are rarely seen beyond their Great Wall. It is an isolationist land that sustains little contact with its neighbours, particularly its closest, the East. Occasionally, Western merchant ships have sailed to the southern Nurth lands for trade. 

The West is known to possess an advanced knowledge of magic and sorcery, spawning some of Woodruff's most talented wizards and sorcerers. Like its Eastern counterpart, the West is predominantly a human nation. Its people tend to be darker in skin tone and usually have green or hazel coloured eyes, virtually never blue. 

Nurth Islands

The Nurth Islands are to the very South of Woodruff. It is a cold land, largely snow-covered, that supports many elaborate and beautiful cities and towns, ruled by the Asparian Queens of Nurth. Much of Nurthian culture and history is unknown, yet its people are famous for their talent in art, music and literature. Its alignment is disputed widely, most easily described as "lawful , yet neutral". They are rumoured to enslave ice giants as both builders and defenders of their great cities. 

The Queens of Nurth once travelled to the East, to visit the King and discuss trade between their lands. Many xenophobic communities, such as Corndrew, objected to such cooperation, describing the Nurth people as "queer" and "uninviting". Regardless, the meeting went ahead and resulted in harmony between the two nations. 

The people of Nurth consist mainly of Asparians, though Dwarven and barbarian communities dwell in the high, snowy mountains. 

Greycott Islands

90% of Greycott is covered by a dense, wild jungle. Second only to the deserts in the West, the Greycott jungle is among the hottest and most tropical areas of Woodruff. There are no cities, by its traditional meaning, on the island - only heavily expanded villages. Greycott harbours a large population of sylvan and wild elves, living in the vast expanse of trees. Additionally, a variety of humans also dwell on the island. Slightly taller than the usual man and darning ebony-coloured skin, the Erudites are a complex people who's society orientates around their strange, wild magic. Speaking their own tongue, they live harmoniously with their Elven neighbours. 

There is no known leader of the Erudite people; they are known to live in tribes - each tribe biding by its own rules, enforced by the tribe elders. The elves, however, live in a typical sylvan society that has little, if that, to do with the rest of Woodruff. 

Adventurers and travellers have been known to become lost in the great Greycott jungle and are occasionally discovered and later escorted home by the Erudites or, however rarely, by the wild Elves of the island.


Possibly the most strange island of Woodruff is the East-most island, Valana. It is an uncharted land that remains a mystery to the rest of Woodruffian civilisation. The sea that separates it from the the East, "The Sea of Tricks", has prevented any explorers from actually reaching the distant land. Many of whom, after sailing for two or three days, have found themselves either lost or, curiously, back at the shores of the East. The remainder never return. 

The question of who lives there, who rules the land and its exact size are all unknown. Some speculate that it is the realm of the Gods. Others believe it to be the land of dead heroes, kings and holy warriors - a heaven or paradise, of sorts. 

Sunday 9 January 2011

Hester Goldbringer

Hester Goldbringer

Full Name: Hester Goldbringer II
Other Names: "Hest"/"Hesta"
Sex: Female
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 129 lbs
Age (Birth Date): 19 (4th of January) 

Race: Human
Level: 2nd 
Class: Mage
Alignment: Neutral Good
Religion: Church of Dorian 
Guild/Clan: None
Homeland: Peresorm, Woodruff

Strength: 6
Dexterity: 8
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 14
Will: 13
Charisma: 12
Observation: 14
Luck: 11

Hit Points: 4
Armour (AC): Light Leather+1 (9, 7 vs. Undead)
Thac0 (Weapon): 20 (dagger), 20 (staff)

Proficiencies, Abilities & Languages

Proficiencies: Cooking, Weaving, Religion (Peresorm), Read/Write (Woodruffian)

Abilities: Spells, +1 to Religion (Peresorm) check

Languages: Woodruffian, Elven (Woodruff), Western Woodruffian 


Hester is an average-sized, good looking woman with thin, chocolate brown hair and deep, olive green eyes. Her petite face and pointy nose give her the appearance of a half elf, although she lacks the pointed ears and small height. On her right forearm, the holy symbol of Dorian is tattooed - a necessity to become a priest or priestess at the Church. 
Being a woman of formality, Hester is always dressed to her best, often in extravagant leather pieces and silver jewellery. Among her favourite trinkets is the circlet she rarely leaves her home without - made of solid platinum and blessed by her Church. 

Attitude & Personality

Hester is an articulate, educated city-dweller with an outgoing nature. Being raised in an upper class background, she is a lover of art, music and contemporary literature. She is a snob and falsely believes the poor to be lazy, uneducated fools with no desire to achieve in life - she seems to believe that everyone of Peresorm was born with equal opportunities as her. She donates to charity, but more for the snob value of it than actual selflessness and concern for the poor. 
Hester has a fear of dirt and the dirty, making camping stressful for her. She also dislikes animals, forests, mountains, caves and druids, mainly due to their choice of homeland. She is closed-minded and xenophobic, having lived a sheltered life.  


Daughter of Andaris and Gorlina Goldbringer, Hester was born and has lived in Peresorm all her life. At age five, she was put into full-time education, learning to read and write, speak in foreign languages, local history, cooking and weaving. She proved herself to be a talented student and an advanced academic. 

Her parents attempted to marry her to the son of a rich swordsmith, but she hastily declined the proposal (much to her parents' disapproval). 

She began training in magic after her grandfather moved to the city to be taken into her parents' care. Her grandfather was a talented diviner and alchemist; he taught Hester much of what he knew. At age eighteen, the year of her grandfather's death, she began to cast spells independently and trained to use basic weaponry such as daggers and staffs. 

Now living in a house bought for her by her father, Hester is engulfing herself in research, attempting to broaden her knowledge and experience before eventually travelling Woodruff. 


Her untrained body and poor combat skills do not allow Hester to fight proficiently. She is more likely to be travelling with a henchman or two to deal with any danger that may arise. In an inevitable combat situation, however, Hester will use her magic to assist her companions before using offensive magic such as Magic Missile. 

Spells & Equipment

Spellbook: Hypnotise, Sleep, Detect Undead, Magic Missile, Shield, Chill Touch, Detect Magic
1st level spells x 2 (most often, she will learn Hypnotise and Magic Missile every day)

Hester will carry a minimal amount of equipment, much of which consisting of items to prune her appearance. Heavy items such as bedrolls and wineskins will be carried by henchmen or companions. She possesses one magical item, her circlet, which awards her a +2 to her armour class when being attacked by undead monsters (because of its blessing by her Church).