Wednesday 1 June 2011

Nina Atheev'a

Full Name: Nina Atheev'a
Other Names: "Agent 4.0", "Cobra" 
Sex: Female
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 124 lbs
Age (Birth Date): 25 (4th of March)

Race: Human
Level: 15th/16th 
Class: Fighter/Thief (Assassin)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral  
Religion: N/A
Guild/Clan: Black Dragon
Homeland: Peresorm

Strength: 11
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 17
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 15
Will: 13
Charisma: 7
Luck: 9

Hit Points: 94
Armour (AC): Dexterity +4, Leather Armour +2, Ring of Protection +3 (1) 
Thac0 (Weapon): 1 (dual daggers - double specialised), 6 (short sword), 4 (bare-hand)

Proficiencies, Abilities & Languages

Proficiencies: Lip Reading, Disguise, Forgery, Tumbling, Tightrope Walking, Blind Fighting, Martial Arts, Fast Talking, Poison Lore, Ancient Languages, Local History, Modern Languages, Remain Conscious, Read/Write (Common), Riding (Land-based), Musical Instrument (Drum). 

Abilities: Move Silently (95%), Find/Remove Traps (80%), Hear Noise (80%), Open Locks (90%), Pick Pockets (75%), Read Languages (65%), Hide in Shadows (95%), Climb Walls (95%), Remain Conscious (% chance of being knocked unconscious is always halved), Detect Poison (Poison Lore - 70%). 

Languages: Common (Woodruff - East), Common (Woodruff - West), Elven (Woodruff), Common (Nethall), Orc (Woodruff). 


Nina is a very tall woman with a slender yet reasonably muscular physique, shoulder-length blonde hair and emerald-blue eyes. Being an accomplished gymnast and athlete, Nina's body remains perfectly toned and rounded. Her beautiful, feminine facial features are often tainted by a cold, hostile smirk that greets all but those she is directly instructed to flatter. The assassin has a scar skimming across her left shoulder blade, reaching down to the centre of her lower back. 
When in disguise (which is almost all of the time), Nina will can be seen baring any sort of attire - from a beggar's rags to a grand ball gown. Being proficient in the arts of disguise, most find it difficult to identify the woman at all. When on a mission from her beloved guild, Nina will always wrap herself in the formidable, indigo leather suit made for her by The Black Dragon. 

Attitude & Personality

Nina is a dry, surly woman with little to say outside of her orders. Seeing as she is always in disguise and playing the roles of others, it is difficult to pinpoint what Nina's true personality actually is - she is a damaged and broken woman inside, hardened by her troubling past and military training. Much of her former personality has been quashed and extinguished, replaced by the ice queen that has proved so useful to The Black Dragon. Her free thought is likely encompassed by her need to kill her greatest rival, and sister, Anna Atheev'a. 
She is not, however, sociopathic; she has shown evidence of remorse and restrain in the past - perhaps remnants of the woman she once was. 


Nina, the older of the Atheev'a sisters, was born to Judar Atheev'a, a rich veteran to the great Peresorm Guard. He lead the defence of Peresorm during the final (and largest) Orc raid during the Evil Rebellion. Nina's mother, Uslari Atheev'a, was a cloth merchant from the Southern Nurth Islands. The three of them lived on a large estate on the city's boarders. From a very early age, Nina showed signs of advanced intelligence, learning to walk and talk long before was usually expected of an infant. 

When Nina reached the age of two, her mother gave birth to her younger sister, Anna. Uslari died during childbirth, through no fault of the midwives. Judar, in grief and loneliness, left the Peresorm Guard in order to spend time with his two beloved daughters. As they matured, he began to train them both in the ways of the sword, athletics and war. Judar noticed the sibling rivalry that had been born - the girls desperately attempting to outdo one another and impress him. A

As the two sisters grew older, they began to be tutored in language, literature, history, crafts and other lore. Their rivalry even extended to their academic achievements - the siblings often falling into serious fights and arguments. Judar experienced difficulty finding a tutor who would take the girls, one referring to them as "vicious animals". Where Anna would obediently attend the local church (as was custom), Nina would often disobey her father and the priests and spar with the members of the Peresorm Guard. The two Atheev'a were never seen to be friendly with one another; they truly hated one another. Bitterly, Nina blamed Anna for her mother's death. 

Not long after Nina's seventeenth birthday, Judar died from throat disease in his sleep. A large funeral was funded by the Royal Family of Peresorm. It was here that Nina and her sister's true hatred for one another was born. Having both inherited half of the estate and fortune their father had earned, the sisters were forced to live together. Full of grief, anger and hostility, their fights began to escalate to a dangerous level, resulting in Nina being seriously injured (thus the scar on her back). Days later, Nina attempted to kill Anna - both of them having been trained well in combat, the battle persisted for hours, much of their father's estate being ruined in the process. After certain stalemate, Nina decided to leave the estate. 

What Nina did between then and her admittance to one of the largest and most formidable assassins' guild in Woodruff is unknown. As an assassin, the eldest of the Atheev'a sisters is without match. She has been responsible for some of the most famous assassinations in the land, able to break through virtually any level of security. She is the top-ranking agent of The Black Dragon and will inherit the position of guild leader with the death of her single superior - Fascar. 

Whether Nina and Anna have been in contact since their adolescent battle at their father's estate, is unknown. They are both far from forgetting the past, however. 


Nina likes to sneak up on her opponents and kill them before they even know of her presence - the true assassin method. Using her various skills as a rogue, she will get as close as possible to her victim before killing them in the most direct fashion. 
Though never seen fighting in a group, if you she were, she would stand back for a few moments and pounce when the time was right, surely killing her opponent. If fighting a group, she would always attempt to kill a magic-user first. 

Spells & Equipment

* Dual Daggers + 3 (on hit, victim must roll a save vs. poison or receive 1d12 damage per turn until death). 
* Ring of Protection + 3
* Ring of Fire Resistance
* Boots of Speed
* Necklace of Strangulation (not worn)
* Iron Flask

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