Wednesday 2 February 2011

Niara ~ Elemental Goddess of Water

Title(s): Water Queen, Lady of the Lake
Power Level: Elder God
Subservient Deities: All non-Elder Gods
Superiors: Oloth, Ssun 
Alignment: Neutral

Portfolio: Water, Purity, Rivers, Lakes
Domain: Elemental Plane of Water
Worshippers: Any
Church: "Church of the Stream" 
Cleric Alignment: Any
Holy Days: February 11th, April 11th, March 11th

Foes: Chathis, Nizzra, Taranis, Naurtas, Thor
Allies: Aeros, Hardrosa, Ostara, Brigit, Baldur


Niara is the Elder and Elemental Goddess of water and ruler of the Plane of Water. As the title "Elder Goddess" suggests, she was one of the five gods who create the stars and the planets.  Daughter of the Primary Gods Oloth and Ssun, she is the ruler of water, the sea, rivers, lakes, streams and rain. Like water, Niara is associated with life, health, purity and cleanliness. 

Like all of the Elder Gods, Niara is a part of existence - part of the world we live in. She therefore cannot be destroyed, killed or exiled, unlike demi-gods and minor deities. She is eternal in every sense of the word.

Though never fighting directly, Niara's siblings, Chathis (of fire) and Nizzra (of thunder) are in constant disagreement with her. It is difficult to compare this with disputes of mortals. Being rulers of the material world, the Gods simply drive existence in a different direction to one another, resulting in arguments; Niara, being a lonesome and peaceful God, remains passive within the squabbles, however. The Church of the Stream have been known to collide with priests of Niara's siblings, yet not under her direct command.


Being a Goddess of such widespread worship, it is difficult to define the Church of Niara. The Water Goddess demonstrates passiveness, deep thought, freedom and pacifism. Moon Elves often choose to follow Niara, along with various other humanoids who commonly lean toward the arts and philosophy.   

Like other worshippers of the Elder Gods, blessings are extremely rare and only awarded to those of up-most experience, loyalty and heroism. However, any race of any alignment may choose to become a priest of Niara and be accepted by the Goddess. Although, a church consisting of both good and evil priests would find it challenging to operate. 


Niara has only two avatars within the Material Plane - a 15' tall female human and a silver, sparkling Blue Whale. Niara's humanoid avatar has only been spotted a handful of times in documented history and has never communicated directly in this form. Whales are said to be the mortals closest to Niara and can communicate with her directly. In human form, she only appears for her own enjoyment or curiosity - never to support her worshippers in battle. 

Niara's presence can be known by the sound of whale speech, even when in human form. She will remain undetectable unless willing to show herself and will not attack unless aggressively confronted by one who knows of her divinity. 

Appearance: 15' tall, naked, human woman with turquoise-coloured hair and green eyes. Often wrapped in seaweed and sparkling divinely. 

HP: N/A (No weapon, spell or magical item will have any effect on Niara)
AC: N/A (No weapon, spell or magical item will have any effect on Niara)
Damage: Watery Blasts - 10d12+20 (twice per round) + drowning.
Thac0: N/A (Niara will always hit and never miss)

Special Attacks/Defences: Invulnerability, Omniscience, Omnipotence, Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Water Manipulation, Invisibility, Infinite Array of Knowledge, Omnilingualism, Shapeshifting, Infinite Teleportation, Call for Assistance, Drowning.   

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