Sunday 9 January 2011

Hester Goldbringer

Hester Goldbringer

Full Name: Hester Goldbringer II
Other Names: "Hest"/"Hesta"
Sex: Female
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 129 lbs
Age (Birth Date): 19 (4th of January) 

Race: Human
Level: 2nd 
Class: Mage
Alignment: Neutral Good
Religion: Church of Dorian 
Guild/Clan: None
Homeland: Peresorm, Woodruff

Strength: 6
Dexterity: 8
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 14
Will: 13
Charisma: 12
Observation: 14
Luck: 11

Hit Points: 4
Armour (AC): Light Leather+1 (9, 7 vs. Undead)
Thac0 (Weapon): 20 (dagger), 20 (staff)

Proficiencies, Abilities & Languages

Proficiencies: Cooking, Weaving, Religion (Peresorm), Read/Write (Woodruffian)

Abilities: Spells, +1 to Religion (Peresorm) check

Languages: Woodruffian, Elven (Woodruff), Western Woodruffian 


Hester is an average-sized, good looking woman with thin, chocolate brown hair and deep, olive green eyes. Her petite face and pointy nose give her the appearance of a half elf, although she lacks the pointed ears and small height. On her right forearm, the holy symbol of Dorian is tattooed - a necessity to become a priest or priestess at the Church. 
Being a woman of formality, Hester is always dressed to her best, often in extravagant leather pieces and silver jewellery. Among her favourite trinkets is the circlet she rarely leaves her home without - made of solid platinum and blessed by her Church. 

Attitude & Personality

Hester is an articulate, educated city-dweller with an outgoing nature. Being raised in an upper class background, she is a lover of art, music and contemporary literature. She is a snob and falsely believes the poor to be lazy, uneducated fools with no desire to achieve in life - she seems to believe that everyone of Peresorm was born with equal opportunities as her. She donates to charity, but more for the snob value of it than actual selflessness and concern for the poor. 
Hester has a fear of dirt and the dirty, making camping stressful for her. She also dislikes animals, forests, mountains, caves and druids, mainly due to their choice of homeland. She is closed-minded and xenophobic, having lived a sheltered life.  


Daughter of Andaris and Gorlina Goldbringer, Hester was born and has lived in Peresorm all her life. At age five, she was put into full-time education, learning to read and write, speak in foreign languages, local history, cooking and weaving. She proved herself to be a talented student and an advanced academic. 

Her parents attempted to marry her to the son of a rich swordsmith, but she hastily declined the proposal (much to her parents' disapproval). 

She began training in magic after her grandfather moved to the city to be taken into her parents' care. Her grandfather was a talented diviner and alchemist; he taught Hester much of what he knew. At age eighteen, the year of her grandfather's death, she began to cast spells independently and trained to use basic weaponry such as daggers and staffs. 

Now living in a house bought for her by her father, Hester is engulfing herself in research, attempting to broaden her knowledge and experience before eventually travelling Woodruff. 


Her untrained body and poor combat skills do not allow Hester to fight proficiently. She is more likely to be travelling with a henchman or two to deal with any danger that may arise. In an inevitable combat situation, however, Hester will use her magic to assist her companions before using offensive magic such as Magic Missile. 

Spells & Equipment

Spellbook: Hypnotise, Sleep, Detect Undead, Magic Missile, Shield, Chill Touch, Detect Magic
1st level spells x 2 (most often, she will learn Hypnotise and Magic Missile every day)

Hester will carry a minimal amount of equipment, much of which consisting of items to prune her appearance. Heavy items such as bedrolls and wineskins will be carried by henchmen or companions. She possesses one magical item, her circlet, which awards her a +2 to her armour class when being attacked by undead monsters (because of its blessing by her Church). 

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