Saturday 8 January 2011

Granatcia Heartly ("Heartly the Heart Eater")

Granatcia Heartly

Full Name: Granatcia B'nerth Heartly
Other Names: "Heartly the Heart Eater"
Sex: Female
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 143 lbs
Age (Birth Date): 464

Race: Vampire (previously human)
Level: 10th/12th/5th
Class: Fighter/Mage/Thief
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: The Holy Reformer
Guild/Clan: None
Homeland: Benarth, Outland

Strength: 18/76 (innate - originally 8)
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 14
Will: 14
Charisma: 18 (innate - originally 16)
Observation: 16
Luck: 7

Hit Points: 57
Armour (AC): Dexterity+2, Ring of Protection+3, Padded clothing +1 (4/-3)
Thac0 (Weapon): 6 (Heartbringer), 11 (short sword), 11 (dagger), 10 (short bow)  

Proficiencies, Abilities & Languages

Proficiencies: Blind Fighting, Endurance (wasteland), Dirty Fighting, Ventriloquism, Appraising, Tumbling, History (Ancient - Outworld), Languages (Ancient - Outworld), Spellcraft, Religion (Undead), Religion (Human), Seamstress, Dancing, Remain Conscious, Swimming, Riding (Land-based), Read/Write (Common - Outworld & Nethall)

Abilities: Move Silently (100% - innate), Charming Gaze (charms those she looks upon), Vampiric Tough (drain life-force/level from those she strikes), Regeneration (she regenerates 1 HP/round), Spells, Blind Fighting. 

Languages: Common (Outworld & Nethall), Elven (Outworld & Nethall), Gnome (Outworld & Nethall), Elven (Woodruff), Elven (Griffith), Halfling (Nethall), Dwarven (Nethall), Dragon (Chromatic). 


Granatcia is a tall, beautiful woman with wavy, blonde hair and sea-blue eyes. Her pale, smooth skin is flawless and reflects light as though pearl-like. Granatcia's slim physique contradicts her huge strength given to her by her vampiric powers. 
She usually wears normal, good quality clothing, padded for extra protection. She very rarely sports a suit of armour, mainly because it would inhibit her spell casting abilities considerably. More often than not, Granatcia can be found wearing a revealing, padded dress adapted to practicality with heeled, leather boots and her great sword on her back. 
In battle, she will wear a plate-mail breastplate that straps onto her back, covering her left chest-region to protect her heart from being staked - the only known way to kill a vampire. 

Attitude & Personality

Granatcia plays the part of the seductive warrior with a bloody past and many enemies. Harbouring a dry sense of humour and suffering no fear, Granatcia will often mock her enemies with her ruthless and insensitive sense of humour. Although rarely doing so, she has a talent for luring others into a brawl - often to their death. 
Though outgoing and charismatic, Granatcia does not make friends with ease and never hands out her trust to those she knows little of. Those trying to befriend will find it quite the challenge. Granatcia hates the weak and the ignorant, particularly those of whom are of an evil alignment. She is quick to raise her sword and will never hesitate to take the life of one who does not deserve it. 
Granatcia is lustrous of both men and women of most humanoid races. Though unaffected by alcohol, she can often be found at a bar attempting to lure a man or woman into her bed. She has little interest in marriage or commitment, aware of the fact that most would flee instantly at the discovery her vampirism.


Granatcia Heartly, the seventh daughter of Tae and Klux Heartly, of Outworld. Klux was an extremely wealthy merchant who owned a deserted estate in the middle of the Benarth Forest of Outworld. At the age of 51, Klux was killed in a mysterious beast attack within the shady woodland. Tae, the unstable half-elf of Edenia, was left to overlook seven, competitive daughters who grew in power with every day. 

Three years later, their sibling rivalries became out of hand as five of the seven sisters plotted to slay the eldest and most powerful of their group. Despite hysterical efforts from their mother, Granatcia's sisters were successful in the killing of their oldest sister, Nalbina, and showed no remorse for their actions. In utter horror and rage, Tae attempted to cast the sisters from the estate, to disown them. Over the years of partial neglect and hostility, the girls had grown bitter and twisted and too magically powerful for their own good - they killed their mother and attempted to take a sixteen-year-old Granatcia's life soon after. Luckily, she managed to escape into the night and, afterwards, lived a nomadic life for several further years, remaining hidden from her murderous sisters who hunted her.

After being taken in at the age of nineteen by a carpenter within the great city of Gabraska, Granatcia began to hone her skills as a warrior and a sorceress. She worked as an assistant at the carpenter's by day and trained her mind and body by night. 

Noticing her talent, a thieves' guild known as The Scarlet Whistles began to train her for future "guild work" - what this work involved, however, she knew not. After several years of intensive training, Granatcia was hastily employed as a city-dwelling assassin of The Scarlet Whistles. She successfully "took care of" various important guild representatives, wealthy business men and merchants as well as many public figures that somehow endangered the city. 

However, after only a short time of employment, Granatcia faltered. After being sent to kill a man who owned a large property in the West, she arrived at his estate to find that her uncle, her father's brother, was the target. Faced with a moral battle, Granatcia was forced to decide between her newly found purpose in life and her family's beloved memory. Her uncle much reminded her of her father, whom she sorely missed with every passing day. She left the estate and returned to Gabraska. 

The guild leader of The Scarlet Whistles, an unnamed man from the North, was furious. Rogue assassins were problematic for any guild - a skilled, uncontrollable warrior with inside knowledge of the organisation at their disposal. However, Granatcia was a fine warrior and had a stout mind; she would prove difficult for the guild to "remove". After much planning, they put together a plot, a ploy, to dispose of their treacherous agent. 

Surprised at her guild's acceptance of her weakness, Granatcia was quick to accept the mission of assassinating a nobleman residing within a castle far to the South of Gabraska. She was told that the man would be poorly defended and would prove an easy kill, so prepared little for the encounter. She was mistaken, to her death. The target was more than a wealthy man and owner of a castle, he was a notorious vampire known as Lord Vaynehand. He killed the young Granatcia with reasonable ease and underwent the appropriate rituals of resurrecting her as his vampiric queen. 

All went to Lord Vaynehand's plans and Granatcia lived for almost a century as the ruthless, heartless Lady Vaynehand. Following many gory incidents, told through popular local folklore, she was given the title "Heartly the Heart Eater" and became as feared as her Lord Vaynehand himself.

After ninety years of bloodshed, Granatcia's life (or unlife) took yet another unusual turn. In the dead of night, whilst alone in her chamber, Granatcia was visited by the avatar of a divine being - a goddess. It appeared before her in the image of a strong, beautiful woman, named "Diamond Tooth" or "The Holy Reformer". After enduring cold banter and scorning from the hostile vampiress, the goddess forcibly returned a small portion of Granatcia's humanity, of her former life, in return for her worship. Granatcia rekindled her alignment, a portion of her mortal self returned, yet the strength of her vampirism intact. She came to the realisation of what she had become and pledged herself to the merciful goddess that stood before her. 

Granatcia staked her lord and sire, Lord Vaynehand, along with his minions and left the title of Lady Vaynehand and Heartly the Heart Eater behind her. Discovering her ability to walk amongst the sunlight and cast a faint reflection, she once again lead a nomadic life in the South for a short time. After a hasty recovery, the once assassin returned to Gabraska and burnt The Scarlet Whistles' hideout to the ground, killing the newly-appointed leader. 

Now, Granatcia can be found travelling the planes, gathering experience and carrying out her saviour god's wishes. She has now accepted her identity and knows herself well, though keeps her vampiric heritage behind closed doors.  


Granatcia will usually be tactical with her movements and attacks in battle, taking time to consider where her magic and her sword will be most beneficial. However, she is a woman of wrath and, in the event of losing her temper, will attack relentlessly with her precious magical sword, Heartbringer. 
A common tactic is to blast her enemies with offensive magic whilst they remain out of range before attacking with melee weapons as they draw near, providing they survive the magical onslaught. She is without fear and has a good knowledge of small-scale battle tactics. 

Spells & Equipment

Granatcia casts as 12th level mage, concentrating mainly on invocation/evocation spells and avoiding those of druidic or illusionist nature. 

Granatcia will always be carrying the usual adventurer's equipment along with a moderate amount of gold and spell components. She possesses the following magical items. 

      * Heartbringer - two-handed sword + 5 (magically crafted to cause extra damage to the victim, causing blood loss to double in severity) 

      * Philosopher's Stone (as the Dungeon Master's Guide)

      * Potion of Extra-Healing (as the Dungeon Master's Guide)

      * Ring of Protection + 3 (as the Dungeon Master's Guide)

      * Ring of Shocking Grasp (as the Dungeon Master's Guide)

      * Portable Hole 

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